Grammy Award-winning artist surprised a class at Paul Duke STEM High School in Norcross, GA as part of a competition organized by the Amazon Future Engineer program. Read more…Ciara comes home to surprise STEM students
The current landscape for underrepresented and low-income students in STEM shows that hundreds of thousands of these students attend schools that are unable to nurture their genius and provide them with opportunity to pursue higher education, let alone a STEM career. Leveling the Playing Field...
Can a toy that teaches simple coding concepts really create a computer genius? Can a robotics toy inspire a future scientist who will change the world—or, at least, make a really good living? Or are STEM toys just the pricey result of marketing hype? More to Read

There’s real responsibility these days — and real money to be made, with much of it is being paid by the biggest technology companies in the world. According to Geekwire, there are 17 tech companies that dominate Glassdoor’s list of 25 highest-paying internships in the U.S.
Get started on your summer internship opportunity and apply to some of these companies. Check out Geekwire.
Basketball and math go hand-in-hand according to the National Basketball Association (NBA) and Discovery Education. The NBA and Discovery Education are launching a 30-minute virtual field trip, “Careers that Count,” designed to show middle and high school students how math is used in basketball careers on the court and beyond.
Join “Careers that Count” virtual field trip on May 4th. Know more about this great way to learn. Click Math!
Exciting news for Delaware State University graduates who go through a specialized pilot’s program. They will be eligible for jobs at American Airlines without having to sit through an interview. Read on…
Check out the STEMtistics on minorities in science and engineering careers.
U.S. News & World Report is reporting that STEM-related outreach initiatives by tech firms to members of minority communities underrepresented in STEM fields is imperative. Furthermore, underrepresented groups need a hand up, not a handout, in STEM education. Find out more..STEM education and careers.
Kids in STEM choose science, technology, engineering and math as future career opportunities. read more…